
Word of God Company is an act of obedience to God, a response to His calling, an act of taking the talents to the market.

The world always needs the word of God but even more now in the recent years. His words have power to change hearts, to encourage, to remind us of who we are in Christ, and to point us to the One that loves us most. 

I see Christ followers stepping up and standing firm on the foundation of God’s truth, peace, and love. They have the Word of God written in their hearts and wear it on their garment as a testament of their faith.

Though the world is with darkness, we are the light.

My name is Koon Vega. Word of God Company is a part of my spiritual journey, my walk with God. It’s not perfect but it’s a good start. I hope you’ll include Word of God Company on your journey together with my family and I. 

In His love


“You are the
light of the world,
A city set on a hill
cannot be hidden.”

Matthew 5:14